Enigma: Rising Tide is for those who are wanting to take a break from the hard-fought battles of stratagem and are looking add a few more hulls to the bottom of the sea in at what sometimes can be a neck breaking pace. Navyfield is a curious naval game. Recommending it is like telling somebody to go see Woodstock today.
As an MMO, its time in the sun has passed by a few years, but at its peak it was a phenomenal game. Although Navyfield has been overshadowed by modern releases, the game is still strong to this day. Pitting teams of up to 32 players against one another with an assortment of ships, Navyfield has a surprising amount of variety and modes, backed by quick and addictive battle sessions.
Leveling up your crew and unlocking newer arsenals are still key mechanics here - but this has its benefits. Typically, fleets are a combined assortment; battleships, carriers, cruisers, destroyers and even frigates are some of the options available unless the hosted room decides otherwise. The beauty starts as you see the players naturally forming to picket the larger ships, or the carriers and more agile craft either laying torpedoes or scouting for incoming spreads.
Anti-Aircraft is also an important element as, although machine gun fire from your ships is automatic, it requires a keen eye to manage those flak bursts to take out incoming aircraft — which can sway the battle in mere seconds.
Matches are quick and full of action in an easy-on-the-eye isometric view. Leveling up your crew and unlocking newer arsenals are still very much mechanics here. However, a side benefit of this is understanding the types of ships and the benefit of different play styles.
Rushing to play as a King George V-class may not necessarily be as enjoyable as wiping out many unsuspecting players with a perfect torpedo spread from a Japanese light cruiser.
Every faction has a distinct feel and doctrine. Both newer titles feel more about smaller engagements and which captain has the widest bow a matter of speaking. The original Navyfield, by contrast, managed to capture fleet combat exceptionally well in a multiplayer setting and is still supported and played by players today.
Buy it on: Free Abandonware. Fighting Steel is a lesser known title for those looking into the war chest of naval wargames; as a game, it primarily focuses on fleet action. Pitting capital ships against others in often historical context or user created scenarios, in real time ships square off to lob shells until somebody capsizes or breaks off under the cover of smoke screen.
Although the graphics are simple and dated, they are crisp and serviceable. Old Glory: Check out our list of the best American civil war games. For Jutland players, the games are very similar, only standing out on a few overlay mechanics and time period of course.
A rocky release might have damaged the hull of Fighting Steel a bit, but since , the game has improved to be a compelling and immersive through patches from the dedicated. Work such as Fighting Steel Project which delivers an improved combat simulation and fixes a lot messy bugs along the way has Fighting Steel still on the fleet roster for those looking to see if their admiralty skills are still sharp.
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When you blast a ship, blast squares around it to make sure the ship is completely destroyed. Overall 4. Design 4. Fun 4. Originality 3. Replayability 4.
What people say Be the first to leave a review. This review has no replies yet. Leave your rating Overall. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. For the most part, this is also what the best navy games focus on. They let you take part in strategic battles on the open seas. Sometimes they involve defending against a fleet of pirate ships, requiring you to sink every last one of them through well-timed salvos from your cannons.
A broadside might even sink a ship in one go, but it takes a while to line yourself up just right. Not to mention that it leaves you defenseless while you reload, in the unlucky event that you've missed the enemy boat. So put on your favourite sailor outfit, hoist up the sail and pull up the anchor, it's time to fight as the waves are crashing all around you.
With our free Navy Games you get to lead a formidable fleet into battle, just make sure you don't return shipwrecked! Much fun!