Framed Glass and Wind Wall Railings. Installation Instructions All the information you need in one spot. Somerset Instructions Canada. Instead of selecting the entire hard drive, use this part of Setup to delete whatever partitions are present and then create two partitions, one for XP and one for your eventual Vista install. Install XP to the first of the two partitions. Then, move on to Step 6 per the article. Note: Whi While le the Windows Windows Vista Vista Setup Setup routin routine e includ includes es dramat dramatica ically lly improv improved ed disk disk utilit utilities ies when when co comp mpar ared ed to XP Setu Setup, p, th the e one one th thin ing g it ca cann nnot ot do is ta take ke an ex exis isti ting ng pa part rtit itio ion, n, sh shri rink nk it nonnondestructively, and then create a new partition for Vista.
This kind of functionality would be a killer addition to Vista Setup, no? OK, let's recap. Here are your pre-flight instructions for dual booting between XP and Vista.
Install Windows XP first. Backup any critical data from your XP install. If XP is installed on the only partition on the only hard drive in your PC, run the XP disk defragger and then use a tool such as PartitionMagic to non-destructively resize that partition and make space for a new Vista partition at the end of the disk. If you already have a second partition, or a second hard drive, you can install Vista to that location.
Once you have a free partition or hard drive to which to install Vista, place the Vista Setup DVD in the drive and turn off your computer. You're ready to start the dual boot install process. Do not do this! The reason for this is a bit hard to explain, but bear with me: The results are worth it.
Here's what's happening. Ideally, in the simplest possible system configuration, you will end up with three "drives" as denoted by the standard drive letters we all know and love: C: Windows XP D: Windows Vista E: Optical drive While it's not strictly necessary, I find it simpler if the current version of Windows--that is, the version to which you have booted on a dual boot system--is always listed as the C: drive.
Thus, when you boot into XP, your drive layout should look like the list above. If you do so from within XP, they will resemble the first list, where the current system, Vista, is installed to the D: drive instead of C:. OK, let's get started with Vista Setup.
Installing Vista in a dual-boot configuration OK, if you're ready with a PC that has XP installed and at least one blank partition, you're good to go. Let's get started. Fousulameen 1. Otherwise, the PC will simply launch into Setup and display a black textbased screen with the message "Windows is loading files C ho os e y o ur l an gu ag e, t im e a nd formats, and keyboard or input method c ur re nc y For most people, the default values will already be correct, but make any needed changes and click Next to continue.
Install or repair Windows Vista In this phase of Setup, you can choose between installing the OS "Install now" now " or repair repairing ing a proble problemat matic, ic, perhap perhaps s non-bo non-booti oting, ng, Vista Vista ins instal talll "Repair your computer".
Click "Install now" to continue. As per my advice in the Clean Install part of this series, do not type in your product key and do not let Windows automatically activation the install. Leave the product key field blank and uncheck the item titled "Automatically activate Windows when I'm online.
Because you have left the product key field blank, Vista Setup wonders if you're sure about this decision and asks if you'd like to correct your wicked ways and go back and enter the product key. Click No to continue. Setup now prompts you to select the Vista version you have purchased. Be careful here: There are two versions of both Vista Home Basic and Vista Business listed; the versions with N at the end of their name are designed for the European Union only and do not include Windows Media Player You almost certainly do not want to install these versions of Windows Vista by mistake.
Fousulameen 5. Check the item titled "I accept the license terms" and then click Next to continue. Choose an installation type Because there is already a version of Windows found on the PC's hard dr driv ive, e, Vist Vista a Setu Setup p wi will ll prov provid ide e tw two o op opti tion ons, s, Up Upgr grad ade e an and d "C "Cus usto tom m advanced ". Click the "Custom advanced " option to continue. Where do you want to install Windows?
Here, you will see a graphical graphical representation representation of your PC's hard drive drive s , s , giving you the option to select a partition to which to install Windows Vista. Given the prerequisites for dual booting, you should see at least two partitions: One that contains XP and one that is empty and ready for Vista. Windows Vista is working in the background. This may take several minutes depending on the system.
An option also exists to automatically activate Vista upon first coming online. I uncheck this box to ensure everything is running smoothly before activating and having issues later on. Since this system only has one hard drive, only one place Vista can go.
Advanced options are shown in the next screen shot. The advanced options allow creation of multiple partitions and the option of formatting existing partitions. After finishing your particular partition configuration that you desire, select the Next button. Here is where Vista installs major components of the OS.
This process can take 10 to 60 minutes depending on the system. You can hit the Restart Now button or just allow the reboot to happen automatically after several seconds. Instruction manuals Home Downloads Instruction manuals.
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