Education Requirements: All states require barbers, hairdressers and cosmetologists to be licensed. To qualify for a license, candidates are required to graduate from a state-approved cosmetology program. Typically juniors and seniors from our 24 component school districts who are interested in career training as part of their high school experience are eligible to enroll.
Your counselor can then help you arrange a tour of our Albany Colonie or Schoharie campuses, or the Center for Advanced Technology at Mohonasen. They can also help you begin the enrollment process. Send an email indicating your interest to diane. Read more about our school. Being taught in a new and fully equipped salon, your classes will be overseen by experienced professionals from within the industry.
Hands-on experience with instructors creates an amazing environment for growth, experimentation and excitement for the future ahead! Our team also offers help with financial assistance and job placement opportunities along with real world clinics to hone your skills! Take the first step and complete a basic math and reading pretest. Pre-tests are conducted online only at this time. Click Here to Get Started. We look forward to working with you! Tuition includes instruction, books and supplies.
A Financial Aid Coordinator is on staff to assist you. Donna Singer. Copyright Infringement:. Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing may be subject to civil and criminal liability. Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section of the Copyright Act. These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted book.
In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement. During their senior year, students have the opportunity to get real-world experience in a variety of professional settings.
Past internship sites have included:. Our curriculum is aligned to a nationally recognized assessment and has passed a rigorous review by representatives of industry, the community and component schools. Grades are reported to component districts quarterly along with a final course grade for credit distribution. Students meeting all requirements of the two-year Cosmetology program, including successful completion of practical and written assessments, will receive a Technical Endorsement on their Regents Diploma.