Explorer.exe crashes windows 7 64 bit

Click to collapse Hover to expand Click to expand Does explorer crash on its own or are you doing something when it happens? You must log in or sign up to post here. Show Ignored Content. Share This Page. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Tuesday, July 19, PM. If the build information is available, run '! There is a problem with ntdll. If not, perform a repair install of your OS. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

Saturday, July 16, AM. Thanks for the input Mr X and George. I'll give both suggestions a try and let you know if it helps. Monday, July 18, AM. Tuesday, July 19, AM. The third-party modules loaded were: Autodesk, Inc. What's the best way to disable them? I can rename them but I feel there is a better way.

I mentioned one way: Download and run ShellExView. Thanks for the help thus far. Wednesday, July 20, PM. I've disabled everything under autoruns and it still will randomly crash. Any other ideas? The next thing I'm going to try it re-installing SP1. Wednesday, August 3, PM. Apparently they have a mechanism whereby they flip in and out of high-performance mode depending on what's being demanded by currently running software.

The problem is that in certain situations this switch can happen several times within a few milliseconds and create problems for Windows. I've only seen this come up in relation to bit versions. RivaTuner 1. Download and install RivaTuner from here. Magic 1. Open RivaTuner and switch to the "Power User" tab.

Set "EnablePerfLevelForcing" to 1. Switch to the "Main" tab. Under "Driver settings" click on the small arrow left to "Customize Set "Force constant performance level" to either "low power 3D" suffient for 2D audio work or "performance 3D" used for 3D gaming.

Click OK and let the computer restart. I would start with step 1, update the driver, then if the problem persists download RivaTuner and continue from there.


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