Gene therapy clinical trials worldwide 1989-2004

The data were compiled and are regularly updated from official agency sources, the published literature, presentations at conferences and from information kindly provided by investigators or trial sponsors themselves. As of January 31, , we have identified trials in 24 countries. The USA accounts for two-thirds of these trials. Cancer is by far the most common disease indication, followed by inherited monogenic diseases, and cardiovascular diseases.

Viral vectors have been the most frequently used vehicles for transferring genes into human cells, with retroviruses and adenoviruses representing the vast majority. Plasmid naked DNA and other non-viral vectors have been used in one-quarter of the trials. Over distinct genes have been transferred. This article aims to provide a descriptive overview of the clinical trials that, to the best of our knowledge, have been or are being performed worldwide.

Details of the data presented, including an interactive, searchable database that currently holds information on trials, can be found on The Journal of Gene Medicine clinical trials website 1.

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Cardiac fibrosis: potential therapeutic targets. Similar Articles To arrive at the top five similar articles we use a word-weighted algorithm to compare words from the Title and Abstract of each citation.

Gene therapy clinical trials worldwide to an update. Gene transfer into humans--immunotherapy of patients with advanced melanoma, using tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes modified by retroviral gene transduction. Gene therapy: concepts and methods. Few applications so far. Gene therapy of cancer. Open Advanced Search. DeepDyve requires Javascript to function. Please enable Javascript on your browser to continue. Gene therapy clinical trials worldwide ——an overview Gene therapy clinical trials worldwide ——an overview Edelstein, Michael L.

Gene therapy clinical trials worldwide ——an overview Edelstein, Michael L. Read Article. Download PDF. Share Full Text for Free. Web of Science. Let us know here. System error. Please try again! How was the reading experience on this article? The text was blurry Page doesn't load Other:. We also provide an overview of the progress being made in gene therapy clinical trials around the world, and discuss key trends since the previous review, namely the use of chimeric antigen receptor T cells for the treatment of cancer and advancements in genome editing technologies, which have the potential to transform the field moving forward.

To date, over gene therapy clinical trials have been completed, are ongoing or have been approved worldwide. In we set up a database to bring together global information on gene therapy clinical trials as comprehensively as possible. The data are compiled and regularly updated from official agency sources, published literature, conference presentations and posters and from information kindly provided by investigators or trial sponsors themselves.

This review updates our descriptive overview of the data in 1, presenting our analysis of the clinical trials that, to the best of our knowledge, have been or are being performed worldwide.

As of July 30 , we have stored entries on trials in 28 countries. We have analyzed the geographical distribution of trials, the disease indications or other reasons for trials, the proportions to which different vector types are used, and which genes have been transferred.

Database Commons a catalog of biological databases. It is always best to discuss these issues before you travel to gene therapy center. More clinical trial information. Be aware that Gene Therapy Net is not intended to replace or constitute the giving of medical treatments or advice. Remember Me.

Log in. Gene Therapy Clinical Trial Databases Wiley database on Gene Therapy Trials Worldwide The Journal of Gene Medicine clinical trial site presenting charts and tables showing the number of approved, ongoing or completed clinical trials worldwide. A searchable database is also present with detailed information on individual trials. Beware that information on some trials is incomplete as some countries regulatory agencies simply do not disclose any information.

See also: Gene therapy clinical trials worldwide to - an update.


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