The pkg install command requires one or more package names. The pkg update command updates installed packages. If you specify a package that is not already installed to the pkg update command, the system does not install that package. The pkg update command takes zero or more names of packages that are already installed.
Specifying no package names updates all packages that are installed in the image. See the preserve and overlay attributes of the file action in the pkg 5 man page to understand how files with these attributes will be handled during installation and update. A new BE or a backup BE might be created when you install, update, or uninstall a package or revert a file. Within the constraints of the image policy regarding BEs, you can control the creation of new and backup BEs using the options described below.
If a BE is created, do not set it as the active BE on the next boot. Use the beadm 1M command to show and change the active BE. Create a backup BE if a new BE will not be created. Without this option, a backup BE is created based on image policy. If a backup BE is created, name it name instead of a default name. Use of --backup-be-name implies --require-backup-be. Do not create a new BE. The install, update, uninstall, or revert operation is not performed if a new BE is required. Create a new BE.
Without this option, a BE is created based on image policy. This option cannot be combined with --require-backup-be. If a BE is created, name it name instead of a default name. Use of --be-name implies --require-new-be. By default, the newest version of a package that is compatible with the rest of the image is installed from the first publisher in the publisher search order that offers the package.
If the package is already installed, the package is updated by installing the newest version of the package that is compatible with the rest of the image from the publisher that provided the currently installed version.
Using the Fault Manager. Managing System Information Tasks. Managing System Processes Tasks. Monitoring System Performance Tasks. Managing Software Packages Tasks. Managing Disk Use Tasks. Scheduling System Tasks Tasks. Managing System Crash Information Tasks. Managing Core Files Tasks. Troubleshooting System and Software Problems Tasks. The pkg install command installs packages that are not currently installed and updates packages that are already installed. The pkg install command requires one or more package names.
The pkg update command updates installed packages. If you specify a package that is not already installed to the pkg update command, the system does not install that package. The pkg update command takes zero or more names of packages that are already installed.
Specifying no package names updates all packages that are installed in the image. See Updating All Installed Packages. Installing and updating packages require increased privileges. Use the commands described in Getting Information About Packages to identify a package that you want to install.
How to install. Operating Systems Solaris How to install. Registered User. Join Date: Feb Does anyone know how to install a package that comes in a p5i file in Solaris The first thing the Oracle documentation says is to "launch packagemanager".
Well they removed packagemanager from Uh, no Package Manager. I tried downloading the p5i file and then saying " pkg install pkg-name" but that didn't work either. This is a mystery. And while I'm asking, this should probably go in the Solaris subforum but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get there either.
Whenever I click on the "ask a question" button it takes me here. Join Date: Sep I'm not a Solaris person for a few decades now; but just as a wild guess, did you try "the web method" for example, for logrotate : Code :. Code :. Find all posts by Neo. See also, for reference: Installing packages in Solaris 11 Code :. Well that didn't work but I think we're on the right track. Maybe as a test case, you can download the file locally first, in the case of logrotate, you will get this file: Code :.
Update: Also, I found this quite detailed discussion for you: Code :. OK well I just checked what I should have checked at the start.
So even if I could download it, it wouldn't run. Thanks anyway though. Perhaps this will be useful to someone else.